Cutie Tales - Part 1
Hi! We're Cutie PaMs and we love eating Sushi Burgers! Our parents always try to get us to eat pineapples as they say it will help us grow bigger and stronger, but we hate the taste of them!
They also tell us that Sushi Burgers will stunt our growth, but we love eating them so much! Especially with edamame fries dipped in Katsu sauce and a soda to wash it down. Yummy
Cutie Tales - Part 2
We love to sing and dance, but the grown-ups say we're not old enough to participate in the big parties they throw. We hate feeling left out and feel so sad whenever the party begins and we're unable to attend!
Sometimes, we get together and practice our dance moves hoping one day we'll be able to use them at a big party.
One day, a Cutie PaMs snuck into a party and stole one of their celebration hookahs! We all tried inhaling the purple pineapple smoke and a very strange thing happened. We were instantly transported to a strange world that looked like ours, but different.
Cutie Tales - Part 3
We were greeted by a small group of beings that looked just like us, only they were boys! They were dressed very dapper with fresh duds and cool kicks. One of them had a t-shirt on with the words “Cutie Chaps inscribed on it, so that's what we called them.
We started getting hungry and asked if they had any Sushi Burgers to eat. They look surprised as they had never heard of them before. Instead, they offered us some Sea Grapes which they loved snacking on.
No sooner than we had begun munching on these delicious little pearls, we were instantly jettisoned back to our home.
Cutie Tales - Part 4
We tried telling the grown-ups about our experience, but they didn't believe us! They thought Cutie Chaps were just imaginary friends and cautioned against getting too carried away with our imagination. But we know they are real!
We hope you will help us find our Cutie Chaps friends again, as we had so much fun together. We also hope to find some other friends to play with, as it can get kind of lonely here when all the grown-ups are off celebrating.